this, you'll need to turn the A-10 around so you have enough runway. To taxi
use a little throttle. For convience, you can guide the A-10 on the ground
with the rudder or alieron controls.
Aircraft are guided by control surfaces on the wings and tail, and by the
amount of thrust generated by the engines. Ailerons on the wings control the
roll of the A-10, and indirectly the heading. The tail controls the pitch,
and the rudder controls the heading.
Climbing and Diving
To gain altitude, go into a climb. Just pull back on the stick until the A-10
is oriented upward (positive pitch). Continue climbing until you reach the
altitude you want. A dive is just the opposite. Push forward on the stick to
lose altitude.
There are several ways to execute a turn. The simplest way to turn is to move
the stick left (or right). This will bank the A-10 slightly and will begin a
turn. The more you bank, the more the A-10 will turn. When you've almost
reached the heading you want, level the A-10 off.
A faster turn can be executed by moving the stick to the left (or right), and
then pulling it back. This is the fastest way of changing heading. However
it's very easy to overshoot the heading you want, unless the A-10 was rolled
exactly 90 degrees, you will also change your pitch.
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