Primary armament: Anti-tank missile
Top speed: 90km/h
Threat to the A-10: none
The BRDM-3 presents a great threat to any friendly tanks. Its weapon range is
greater than that of the M1 Abrams. Engage it with the Avenger, a Maverick,
or a Rockeye.
Zil-157 Truck
Top speed: 90km/h
Threat to the A-10: none
The Zil-157 is the standard Soviet truck. It's used to transport troops,
supplies, ammunition, and equipment.
SA-6 Gainful, SA-11 Gadfly SAM Launchers
Primary armament: Surface-to-Air Radar-Guided Missiles
Top speed: 58km/h
Threat to the A-10: GREAT
The SA-6 and SA-11 are mobile surface-to-air missile launchers. The missiles
track the A-10 with a radar guidance system. The system can sometimes be
fooled by dropping chaff which distracts the missile away from the A-10. The
missiles do great damage to the A-10. The SA-11 has a much greater range than
the SA-6. Engaging a SAM with the A-10 is dangerous, but can be done with the
Avenger, a Maverick, or a Rockeye.
(For more information See: Defensive Weapons Systems: p.35 and Tactics Against
SAMs: p.40)
SA-9 Gaskin, SA-13 Gopher SAM Launchers
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