What Tactics are employed when a SAM is launched at the A-10?
"In the first place, stay low to avoid SAM operators from acquiring the A-10.
Once a SAM is launched, make a 3-D break away from the SAM. Additionally,
flares can be dropped to decoy IR seeking missiles, and chaff are used on
radar guided missiles."
What tactics are used when an enemy fighter, say a MiG, is spotted?
"Keep him in front of you. Don't let him on your tail. You can engage the
fighter with sidewinders. Two sidewinders can be loaded on either outside
pylon. The gun, although not very effective in shooting down aircraft, is
very effective in making the enemy fighter take a defensive stance."
In actual combat, how low would you fly?
"Between 100 and 400 feet."
What's the role of the A-10?
"Close Air Support, we call it CAS. We support ground troops in close
proximity, which is defined as operating within 1000 yards of friendly forces.
What's the difference between the role of the A-10, and the role of an attack
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