switch. Now you have to do a massive run back to the central square with the two pillars adjacent to where you started: there is no need to worry, though, as there should still be a knife-man patrolling the area for you to replenish your time bar with. As you walk through the single archway at the north of the square, a hybrid trundles towards you. It is reinforced by another hybrid that jumps through the window to the right, but a couple of sweep combos should drop these arachnids, allowing you to walk through the triple archway ahead. Three creatures are on you straight away as you emerge from the archway: a hybrid, zombie, and knife-man. Use a torch to stop this these attackers in their tracks so that you can explore this web-less domain. If you take the left road all you'll find is a hybrid for you to kill; take the left path, however, and in addition to finding the way ahead you'll also discover an extra life in the shadows to the left. Smash through the fence on to the right and head into the spiders lair. The roof is a bit unstable so make your way slowly and the spider here will be crushed by falling rocks (ho, ho, ho). When you exit the spiders lair turn to your right before proceeding to the bank and leap over the fence to get a weapon upgrade, now you are ready to face the monsters waiting for you round the next bend. Two zombies and a knife-man will crash though the window to your left, when they do run forwards and attract the attention of the hybrid on the other side of the archway in front of you. When the creatures close in use a repeater or a torch to finish them off en masse. Now you can pick up an extra life from the far right window that the zombie crashed through before ... Далее >>