fire moving perilously close to a couple of gunpowder barrels. Walk up close to them, then jump back quickly as the hellhound and the gargoyle move in to attack. Before they get a chance to do anything, shoot the barrel and you should be able to scatter these two to the four winds. There are no items to be found in the fire, so don't take a chance on accidentally immolating yourself. Just take the clear path ahead to continue with your task. Two spider creatures stand at the top of the stairs in front of a tunnel. Charge towards them and force the multiple-armed freaks down the stairs. This way you can trap them in the corner and hack them to pieces in seconds. Go down the tunnel, taking care to stop occasionally when there is a cave-in, and run to the exit when you see the fire in the distance. A hellhound leaps from the fire to belch flames in your direction. Get in close and butcher it: the hellhound will use its paws at close range, but it is so slow that you can just keep kicking it to pin it down. Step round its body and tackle the spider creature scuttling towards you from the alleyway on your right. Exterminate the spider and take the left bend ahead. A hellhound will be prowling around the fire ahead of you. Draw him away from the fire or the momentum of your attacks will carry you into it. Pummel the hound into submission, then scramble through the hole in the wall to the garden below. You have no time to admire the fountain as you are greeted by a gargoyle and a hellhound. Pin them both against the side of the fountain and unleash a few deft combos on their demonic hides. When these two minions of evil have been overcome, jump into the fountain and the statue in the centre will come alive to give you grief. Give it a few haymakers to make it cough blood, then step over its mangled corpse and inspect the fountain. On the side of the fountain you'll find two health orbs and a pistol. Take these ... Далее >>