Level 14: Marylebone Pausing only to remark what a slippery a******* Crowley is, you enter the monster-filled streets of Marylebone. Turn around as soon as you appear and you'll see three crates on the other side of a drainage ditch. Do a running leap across the ditch and destroy the crates to reveal a handful of items, then cross back over to begin your journey proper. A blue monster goes for you straight away. Use the level combo to erase his ass, then charge forward and slice the patrolling knifeman in two before he realises what's happening. Whilst the blood is still drying on your weapon, head back to where you started and do a smash-and-grab on the shop front there to equip yourself with a health orb and a pistol. Walk back up the street until you reach a dead end with a barrel in front of it. If you don't know what to do here, seek professional help. Step over the rubble of the now ruined wall into the tunnel ahead. Be alert for the sound of rumbling as the tunnel is prone to collapse. You'll soon come across a blue monster surrounded by barrels. With a wry grin on your face, turn this doughnut into a blue greasy mess so that you may continue. As you round the next bend, a knifeman will leap out on you and attempt to relieve you of your life. Hit him with a powerful attack to end his murderous antics, then walk through the tunnel towards the light. As you emerge from the underground haven and enter the street proper, you are waylaid by yet another blue monster on the prowl. Stave in his face with your boot and return to the city streets. Knifemen swarm on you as you ... Далее >>