health orb. When you reach the narrow walkway, chuck a mine onto it and entice the blue monster behind the iron gate towards you: it'll come a cropper on the mine, leaving the way clear for you to dash forward and hit the lever. The lever drains the water away, allowing you to cross the empty canal to reach the exit. First you'll have to deal with the blue monster ahead. The poor fool is surrounded by barrels so a well-placed gunshot will cook him up nicely: don't attempt to take him hand-to-hand as you'll more than likely set off the barrels and lose a life. There are many items hidden within the crates surrounding the blue monster's decaying corpse: collect them quickly and give the rat man scuttling about in the background a sound beating. Go down the small passageway next to the white steps and head into the empty canal bed. Pass through the drainage tunnel and run over to the steps at the far end. Don't worry if your time bar is running low as a big blue dobba is about to leap from the top of the wall to crush your skull. Remove his intestines with your weapon and walk up the stairs. Turn right at the top of the stairs, then tackle the blue monster and the rat man that tries a bum's rush on you. When you are done stamping these trogs down, collect the full health orb from the crate on the right and continue on your merry way. Walk round the narrow pathway overlooking the empty lock and kill the two rat men there, then go round the corner. All you have to do now is shred the blue monster and the two rat men that enter the fray and you can calmly leave this carnage behind to begin the next stage of your quest. ... Далее >>