Chapter 1 is too simple, so i have't include it in solution.
Chapter Two - J'nanin: The Learning Age
J'nanin is a barren island, or so it appears. It has a fresh water lake in the middle, at the bottom of a deep chasm. There are pathways, ladders and stairways all over the island. This island age will be a learning experience for you. You need to find Atrus' linking books and learn their use. First you need to find the thief and find out what he is up to at the present moment.
This ragged larcenist has ducked around the rocks up a pathway to your right. Go forward twice. Pan to your right to see a metal ladder going up the side of the cliff. Climb it. At the top, pan down and cross the walkway to the thief's destination. It looks like an observatory of some sort. Go to the door and click on it. Through the portal, you can will see the thief pacing about holding the Releeshan book. Try the door. You can't enter yet.
Turn around and pan down to see that this obversatory building appears to be built on a rock projection in the middle of the island's fresh water lake. Go ... Далее >>