alien psi attacks. On the other hand, they ARE expensive, they
do NOT gain experience, and they are four space units.
Don't make kills with HWP's. Their job is to SEE the enemy so
the human members can then fire at them, even when it's beyond
THEIR visual range.
5.2.8 Deny cover to the enemy
The rocket tank and perhaps the Fusion Ball Hovertank are great
for taking down buildings and walls, denying aliens places to
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 18
hide. You can also use grenades and rocket launchers, or auto-
cannon with explosive / incendiary ammo.
[Consensus] There's no penalty for destroying civilian property,
so go ahead and blast all the houses into pieces if you have to,
just to get that last alien on the map. Of course, don't kill
any civilians in the process.
[Counterpoint] While this is a game, it's NOT nice to destroy an
entire building just to wipe out one last alien... X-COM is a
COVERT organization, not the "Dirty Pair"...
(For those of you who don't know "The Dirty Pair", Kei and Yuri
are Japanese Anime trouble-shooters who usually wreck the place
they troubleshoot... :-)
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