Before using this FAQ in anything, please ask for my permission first.
The text is all my work, so I would appreciate some credit. This FAQ is not
to be cut up in any way, it is either used in full with my permission or not
at all.
The game is (C) 1996, The Bitmap Brothers. Portions (C) 1993-95 Scitech
Software. Published by Renegade Software. Distributed by Virgin Interactive
Entertainment (Europe)
1 - First one. Not much else.
2 - I decided to expand it halfway through the writing of the first
version, so it never really saw the light. It's difficult to say what
came from each version, but V2 is much larger than I anticipated.
I've played Z a few times, it's a refreshingly unique game. Many of my
friends have trouble winning without cheating (via trainers, not by codes),
so I wrote this to help anyone else.
The best way to describe Z, for those who are unfamiliar with it, is
that it is the lighter side of real-time strategies, while still being a
good challenge. It is presented in classic Bitmap Brothers style (compare it
to the Chaos Engine if you don't understand what I'm saying) and has some
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