During your comings and goings on Via Abundance, you will see a donkey grazing near a perfume shop. Introduce yourself to Ascula, the merchant woman. Then go over to greet the donkey, which will recognise you as the one who fed him the day before and give you a warm welcome. At that point, Ascula calls you over: converse with her and take the two baskets of flowers marking her shop entrance. Turn to your right and go over to speak with the labourer who is enjoying his work break. Return to Ascula and try to convince her to transform the donkey into an advertising sign. Then return to the labourer and talk to him about his donkey, then switch the conversation deliberately to "perfume." The labourer will then agree to lend you his donkey. Next, go find the pigment merchant, who is inside the shop to the right of the labourer. Speak to him about the donkey, then choose the ⌠sign.■ He will agree to give you a painted sign. Go back to the donkey and put the sign and two baskets on top of him. Fructus suddenly appears, pretending to make a grand speech to the donkey, and then disappears. Ascula asks ... Далее >>