Converse with the priest in the Temple, then give him Locusta▓s papyrus. When he questions you about books, answer ⌠third.■ The priest leaves you for a few minutes. Hurry into the ekklesiaterion (back room), and move the right palm tree. Take the sylphium that you find behind it and leave the Temple.
Next, rejoin Popidius in the House of Citharist and give him the sylphium. Then talk to him and try to convince him to flee the city. When you see the cook again, he has completed the recipe requiring the sylphium. He proposes that you guess the menu by playing charades. During each charade game, take all the meals in front of you on the table and learn their principal ingredient by consulting your inventory. Then, place them on the table in the proper order.
First Charade: "Gustatio" (entrйes). Place each of the following in order, from left to right: 1. Mussel Casserole 2. Scrambled Eggs with Asparagus 3. Stuffed Tuna
Second Charade: "Summa Cena" (main courses). Place, from left to right: ... Далее >>