You can now leave the house. Turn right as you exit, and go up the street. You arrive right in the middle of a quarrel between a market gardener and a construction labourer whose cart is blocking the street. Chat with the farmer, who explains the situation to you. Be careful: you have very little time to find the right solution before this degenerates into a general brawl, and everyone is arrested. Take the stick that the market gardener is holding, and then take a head of lettuce from his cart. Turn toward the donkey and place the stick on top of the animal▓s head (don▓t hit him or he will kick you). Tie a piece of rope on the stick, then attach the salad to the end of this rope. The donkey will start to move. To show his gratitude, the market gardener gives you a small bag of dates.
Next go to the Forum (the space bar makes the map appear): when you enter the Forum, go to the duumvirates▓ office (turn left under the colonnade, then to the right). You will encounter an Egyptian merchant who is waiting there. Speak with him: he is looking for Gallic wine, and would like to sell some linen. He leaves ... Далее >>