customer leaves the building, calling the young emancipated slave accompanying her≈who is none other than Sophia. Alerted by her slave, Eumachia enters and the fuller goes away. Converse with Eumachia: find out who Sophia is and hand her the linen that the merchant has just given to you. Eumachia will tell you why the son of Popidius lost the elections. When your discussion has ended, go back out of the building. The fuller is calling you: he will tell you where to find Palmyra, pointing to the tavern of Lucius Vetutius Placidus, on Via Abundance. Go to the tavern.
Inside the tavern, you will meet Dionysus, the tavern-keeper, who is very angry because he has just knocked over his baskets. Converse with him. While telling you about his baskets, he will confide his problem to you. You find yourself in front of the baskets in question and a shelf. Take the right wheel on the miniature cart leaning against the wall and hang it directly onto the nail on the shelf. Pick up both baskets, then place a piece of rope on the wheel. Attach a basket to each end of the rope. Then, the baskets balance. To thank you, Dionysus ... Далее >>