Next, go find Sophia in the House of Octavius Quartio. Bet by Statius, who is blocking your way, by choosing to speak to him about Lavinia. Then pass through the house and find Sophia in the garden, in the same place where she was yesterday. Converse with her. When you choose the topic ⌠love,■ Sophia will ask you for a guarantee that Venus is protecting you. So select your Tali game and throw the knucklebones at her feet: the pieces will form the shape of Venus. Sophia will then ask you for proof of the danger awaiting you. Select Magic Potion #1 from your inventory and use it on the top of the fountain, to your right. When the vision appears, Sophia will make an appointment to meet you the following night and she will leave you. A shadow flees through the trees and the day comes to an end.
Fourth Day: 23 August 79 AD
Start your day by talking to Popidius. He assigns you your tasks for the day: locate some sylphium (a kind of spice that no longer exists) and ... Далее >>