rear of the peristyle. Ask Licinius, the housekeeper, for the items you need, then take them from the table (the vial, lamp, and the stick of incense in the box). In The tavern of Dionysus, ask Dionysus for the items in whatever order you prefer. You will be charged a modest amount for them (1 to 2 sestertia).
A rose growing at the foot of Venus During your trips along Via Abundance, note the tavern located between the House of Citharist and the tavern of Octavius Quartio (marked ⌠Tavern■ on the map). On the left wall of the tavern, you will see a fresco representing the Venus of Pompeii, as well as a rose bush. Pick one of the roses. A dove will then pass near the rosebush and lose one of its feathers. For Romans, the rose and the dove represent qualities of Venus. The dove▓s feather will be your lucky charm in the game≈later, it will help you to convince Sophia that Venus is protecting you.
Powder from a donkey▓s molar Contrary to what one might think, you will not find a molar near the donkey grazing along Via Abundance, but you must resolve another problem ... Далее >>