high at the branch in the middle of the tree. Pick up the branch at the foot of the tree, on the right, and turn around quickly to grab the viper with this branch. Once the viper has coiled around the branch, keep holding the branch, pivot a quarter-turn to the right and click toward the back of the scene to throw the viper far away. Then hand the branch to Locusta (above all, do not attempt to kill the viper with your stone or your dagger, because it would bite you). Once Locusta has hold of the branch, she will speak to you about Fructus▓ passion for actors of tragedies, and will tell you how to obtain some sylphium by entrusting you with a valuable papyrus scroll.
After that, go to the exit of the Triangular Forum and turn to the right twice under the colonnade. You will find Helvius, the town councillor, mounting guard in front of the theatre door. Start up a conversation with him and talk to him immediately about Fructus. He will abandon his guard duty to pursue him. Enter the main theatre and pick up the two items lying on the tiers of seats (a capsa, or box used to hold tragedians▓ scrolled recital lines and costumes). Then go ... Далее >>