gives you an additional hint). To be sure that you send it in the right direction, aim for the hollow in the Crater of Vesuvius. Then leave the palestra.
When you are on the esplanade of the amphitheatre, continue along the left side of the building. When you hear Locusta call you, turn around and go to speak to her (she is hiding under the stairs▓ archway). Collect the two magic potions; then learn what happened to Fructus.
Next, go find the slave by continuing along the side of the amphitheatre, in the opposite direction than before, until you arrive at the gladiators▓ passageway. Start talking with the slave guarding Fructus and answer ⌠no■ when he asks you whether you are a Wise Man. End the conversation and go find Fructus, who is in the passageway, on the other side of the wooden bars. Answer ⌠no■ when he makes a request. Leave the passageway and continue alongside the amphitheatre. Near the spot where you found Locusta, you come across Palmyra and a gladiator. Converse with Palmyra, choosing ⌠slave■ as the topic. Palmyra goes off to distract the guard. Next, talk to Pyramus, Fructus▓ gladiator. ... Далее >>