Hypo Sprays deliver stimulants, analgesics and active neuro-biological reinforcing elements through a sub-dermal injector. The solution takes time to act on the body; further shocks while it is active reduce the hypo's maximum healing potential. Even a few hits will cancel the effect altogether, so don't try using them in the middle of a fight if you can help it. Multiple Hypos can be activated at once to extend the maximum healing range.
Because Konoko is 'different' to the average human, she can take her health over the maximum limit and go into 'overpower' mode. Her speed and strength are increased for a short time when like this.
Phase Cloak
The Phase cloak agitates the user's molecules out of the visible light spectrum. The effect only lasts for 30 seconds; any longer and the user might suffer irreversible cellular damage. A weakness of the cloaking effect is that the wearer becomes visible for a moment during physical contact with non-phased bodies. Another point of consideration is that you still make sounds, so be ... Далее >>