through it. In the next room, two strikers, one armed with a scram cannon, will attack you. When you enter the next room, Muro will bump into and make another exit leaving another two strikers to deal with you. Kill them both and enter the room that the strikers came out of to find a switch that will unlock the door that Muro left from. Exit the room.
You'll end up on a ledge in another large area, and a striker with a pulse gun will attack you from the far side of the area you're on. Kill him. On the right side of the ledge you're on will be a room with a switch that you can't activate yet. Instead, run down the stairs near the room and across the area, killing the striker that attacks you along the way, until you reach the stairs on the other side. Climb the stairs to the top, and enter the room there. There will be a switch in here that does work, and when you activate it the previous switch that wouldn't work will now. Unfortunately, two elite strikers exit a door below you and they're both armed with pulse gun. Kill them and run back the other switch and activate it to unlock the doors that the elite ... Далее >>