a switch to unlock the door on the top floor, which also releases two TCTF agents. They're not here to help you this time, they'll attack you if they see you. Run to the top floor, and into the lift. It will take you up to the next power grid. There's an elite TCTF agent here, armed with a force field and a VDG pistol. Kill him, and pull the switch in this room to relcalibrate the pulses of electricity. Run across the power grid to complete the level.
------------------------------ 10. Regional State Building ------------------------------
As you arrive at the building, a mysterious ninja (Mukade) will have already entered and killed two of the security guards. Another two security guards will enter and believe that you killed them. You'll be attacked by the two security guards, dispatch them and move through the door to the right of the reception area. In this little room, another two security guards will come and attack you. Kill them. Run into the next area, and kill the TCTF agent around. A security guard will also be up a level firing a pulse rifle at you. If ... Далее >>