door. There's a switch in the room past the door with a logo and the other two doors just contain rooms with two strikers each that are attacking civilians. You'll get rewards of the civilians if you help them out but to advance the mission you need to activate the switch to unlock the door a while back. Activate the switch, and go through the door you've just unlocked. You'll get a small cut scene showing the syndicate's advance in the building.
Go up the stairs and you'll get attacked by a Tanker. There are 3 other exits on this staircase apart from the 3-lock door, two of them are unlocked and one of them is locked. Go through the 2nd door from the bottom. This area will look familiar to the area you've just come from, and has a switch in exactly the same place too. Run over to it, killing the two strikers and tanker along the way. There's a striker in the room with the switch as well. Activating it will unlock the door at the top of the staircase, which is where you should go to next. The other room here all contain striker and usually civilians that will ... Далее >>