wonder what she wants that for? Leave the room and run left until you get to the elevator, and jump onto it (she will fall down the gap if you try to run to it) to start a cut-scene.
When you regain control of her, you'll be a red lit room with a female striker and a tanker on the other side. It won't be long before they notice you and you'll have to fight them. There are two locked doors in this room, but you can unlock one of them by using the switch near the tanker. After unlocking the door, go through it. You'll be attacked by another two strikers. Kill them. There's a staircase in this room, go up it and you'll be attacked by yet another two strikers when you reach the top. Exit through the door and onto the ledges above. Watch out, as there's a striker armed with a Mercury Bow who'll try to shoot you with it as soon as you leave the room. There's another striker around that may or may not have already attacked you, if he hasn't you've got the advantage. Go to the two rooms at the other end of the area, and head into the room on the right. Go up the stairs and kill the striker that waits for you ... Далее >>