attacks in his inventory, like firing an energy pulse that tracks you, similar to the screaming cannon. This does a tremendous amount of damage, so watch out for it. He can also make himself virtually invisible by cloaking himself, which makes him hard too see when coupled with his speed. If you can't see him in front of you, immediately check behind you as he may be launching a back attack. To beat him, keep him occupied with constant combo's a throws so he doesn't have time to attack you. When you've killed him, you'll retrieve the data about yourself and complete the level.
------------------------ 12. Dr Hasagawa's Lab ------------------------
You have to fight Muro at the beggining of this (very weird) level. After you've defeated him, a bright flash will fill the screen and he'll dissapear.
The level will now open up and allow you to continue, and if you walk near the tiled floor you'll see some strikers fade into nothing. When you reach the end ... Далее >>