4. Bio-Research Lab -----------------------
You start this level with a fight with Barabas, the Syndicate's right-hand man. He can be one tough cookie if you don't know what you're doing but is actually easy to beat if you know how. The easiest strategy is to NOT let Barabas fire his gun at you! It takes off about 1/4 of your life bar, and you need all the health you can get in this level. Don't think you can escape him, because the only door in the area is locked. Start the fight by running up to Barabas and knocking him to the ground (the running throw move is a good choice) so he drops his gun, and then wait for him to get up again. When he gets up, launch a powerful move on him so he ends up back on the floor. Repeat until you've defeated him. He'll fly off and chat to Muro about you, leaving you to enter the building (the door is now unlocked) and continue the level.
The next level can be unbelievably hard, so be prepared. It helps to have a lot of health left from the fight with Barabas, so if you don't it might be wise to restart the level again and try to get better results. In the ... Далее >>