the shore and jump past the slope to the flatland near the opening. Past the sealed door, hang, drop, and jump from the second ledge, and you backflip over the razor grass. When you crawl into the space, a lime green dragon comes out. Collect the Save Crystal from the dead end, and watch for a lurking dragon on the way back.
Clean up the stairway back through the crawl space and push the button to open the sealed door. Behind the waterfall, collect the ammo from floor level and monkey-swing to the ledge above the slope. First, you have to slide, then jump and grab the tall pillar. Run and jump across the central pillar to grab the Save Crystal, and continue in that direction. Out of the Secret area, run, jump, and grab the climbable cliff face. At the top, the next Secret is to your right.
Backflip from the ledge above to the steep slope, and grab the edge when you slide down. Shimmy right and drop to the short platform below. To make it back from the shack, you have to run and jump from the short platform, mindful of your head, to the ledge across the way. Back on the trail, past the ledge where you backflip to the Secret, clear out the crocodiles near the Kayak. The Switch that opens the gate is below the corner, beneath the dark water. When you come through the gate from the pool, row backward furiously to slow your descent, and then move into the cove to the right. Fight the current around the perimeter of the lagoon and into the niche with the Save Crystal.
Over the first falls, stick to the wall on the right to avoid the big boulder, as well as the trip line. Around the bend, the current pulls you to the right. Row backward to the trip line that deactivates the blades. Over the second falls, the rock is on the left. Row backward like a madwoman to keep from getting sucked over the rapids. Don't try to change direction, as ... Далее >>