curtain on the stage and kill the workman. You may want to light a flare to find the button across the pit of glass. Press it to flood the pit back in the previous room where you found the Theater Key. Return to that area, killing another boss on the way. With the pit full of water, you can now make it across and enter the passage and exit this level...
The Deck
You start this level under immediate attack from a Flamethrower and a workmen to the right. Take care of them quickly then continue around to the right and add the Grenade Launcher to your arsenal. Now head back to where you started and dive in the water to the right. Exit on the left landing to avoid the circling barracuda and kill them from their. Then proceed across the ledges to your left to obtain the Stern Key. Jump back in and facing the hull, turn left and head down to the opening in the rocks. Enter then head right and finally left before going up to the hole. Exit the water firing at the approaching workman. The giant propeller is blocking your exit so keep going until you find and kill another Flamethrower standing by a trapdoor. There is a dead end below so head for that stack of crates. Push the first one then climb on top and push the top box. Drop down and pull the first box then go behind it and push it over to the ledge where the Flamethrower was. Now you can go and move a third box to reveal a door. Use the Stern Key. Enter then swim down and head for the switch on the right wall. Use it to open the dead end from the previous paragraph Return to the trapdoor and flip the switch to drain the room behind the Stern Key door. You will need to kill another boss along the way. Now you can move the box to find the passage leading past the propeller. You should arrive at the raft so jump in the water and head left and exit quickly to dispatch another workman on shore before dealing with two more frogmen in the water. Facing the raft, you can jump in and swim down and to the left to find ... Далее >>