Return to the pool and dive down to find a tunnel leading off to the left. Follow it into the larger room and surface to one side to avoid the blades overhead. There is a switch above the passage here which turns off the swinging blades allowing your to get back to the large lava room and go through that door you just opened. Push the box over to the pillar by that door then climb up and jump into the door. You will have to alter your arc again as the ceiling is quite low here.
In this hall is a door and the switch is above the room with the spikes in the floor. Jump forward and grab to catch the crack and shimmy left to pull up. When you are done a running jump towards the left edge of the opening will bring you back to the hall. Now you can enter the room to find two more sealed doors and another Xian Guard who doesn't even wake up. Drop into the hole in the floor and grab on at the bottom to slow yourself.
Things turn nasty when you drop into a cage with four Xian Guards and four Ninja. Flip the switch then reverse roll and head back to the ledge and pull up on either side of the pillar. Behind the pillar go either right or left until you can see the cage then start taking shots at the Ninja below. When they return your fire, use the pillar for cover and attack from the opposite side. All four will eventually die leaving you with only Xian Guards to deal with. Since they only wake up when you get too close, you can fight these guys one at a time. After you wake each guard, return to the top of the wall and take care of them from there. They can't reach you so they can't hurt you. Repeat until all guards are dead then drop down to collect your booty; shells, Uzi clips, and medkits of various sizes. Finally, flip the two switches which open the exit out of here and unseals one of the doors above.
When you enter that opened door above, you are attacked by a Ninja hiding ... Далее >>