gold statue is a switch to turn off the burners in the upcoming hall. Flip the switch and make a run for the door on the left about halfway down the hall. Enter the room, running past two Monks and climb up the ladder. The Monks will take care of the mercenaries but feel free to help if you want. Head for the courtyard to find and flip another switch which opens a pair of trapdoors. Break the glass to obtain the Gemstones needed to open some upcoming doors. Around the corner is a switch so use it and then use a Gemstone between the gold statues to open a door. Enter and pull the box two times to get Prayer Wheel #2. Now return to the area where you got the Strongroom Key and climb the ladder. Do a running jump to pull up onto the hand of the statue then you can climb to the higher hand and finally do a running jump to the statue's head. Go across the head to reach the next hand so you can use a Gemstone in the socket up above to open a trapdoor below. Before you jump into the trapdoor, head for the hall by the base of the statue and circle around and jump to the ramp and pull up to get Secret #1; the Gold Dragon which is waiting behind the statue. Back in the hall you should pass another Monk on your way to the room on the right. Pull the box to the left out and put in between the barrels. Now you can move the next box to get the ammo out from under it. Now you can push the next box so you can get behind it and push it next to the door. Now move the boxes so that one is in front of the door and the other is next to the stack of boxes. This should allow you to pull the top box out to reveal some harpoons. Return to the hall and head right to pass by three Monks on your way to the room on your left. The room is filled with water which needs to be drained before proceeding. Before you drain the room you will want to get Secret #2; the Stone Dragon. Swim to the far side of the room and into the small opening past the ladder to obtain the statue. Now you can return to the previous room with the trapdoor you opened earlier. Drop down and follow the passage until you find a switch. Flip it to open a door then enter that room and push the box to drain the room you just got the dragon ... Далее >>