have to return to the surface and catch your breath before coming back. Since you probably already have several medkits, leave this one alone and continue down the tunnel until you can pull the lever. Swim back out and fill your lungs before swimming back to the tunnel and go through the open door to find and pull another level which opens a door back out in the main pool. Refill those lungs once more then dive down and go through the door you just opened and pull that lever. This opens the door above, behind which are M-16 clips and two boxes of shells.
Wade into the next room and flip the switch. Keep ahead of the moving spiked wall and fall through the trapdoor. The current should take you right to the Gold Key and the gate should open as you near it. You should end up back in the starting room at the base of the falls. The key you just obtained fits the lock at the top of the ladder in this room and opens the underwater gate also in this area.
Once the gate is open, continue down this passage heading right then take the right branch of the fork. Swim through the grating and head for the left wall. The lever you seek is behind the second pillar so pull it to open the exit to this area and clear the path to the Silver Key. A Fighting Fish should be attacking now (or very soon). Kill him but don't waste too much air as you can always out-swim him. Continue around the pillar to find the exit and head that way. When you reach the fork, take the other passage this time and swim up into the door you just opened and into the cave. Climb onto the ledge and if you haven't done so already - kill that fish!
This area is infested with spiders so eliminate all you encounter. Some Uzi clips are near that giant spider web, as are more spiders. When you reach the large cave there are even more giant spiders to deal with. Kill them all then start making your way up the ledges until you can do a running ... Далее >>