grab the edge of the platform so the boulder rolls harmlessly overhead. Now you can make the climb to the top of the structure by going from platform to platform. When another boulder comes headed your way just run to the white bricks and wait for it to pass.
From the white bricks, slide down and land on the springboard to launch up to the ledge in the rafters. Do a running jump to grab and pull up to the next ledge which has Secret #3; the Jade Dragon. Simply jump back to the structure from this ledge to resume the mission at hand.
Climb up to the platform where an Eagle attacks. Kill it, then jump and pull up to the next level then do a running jump to put yourself just one standing jump from the door. Pull the box out two times and continue to the next room where you can flip the switch to open the trapdoor and drop down to a long slope. The red metal ball from earlier is now chasing you so head down and turn left until you reach the slide. The ball stops but you don't as you slide down to the rafters above that first temple room. Below are some tigers, so kill them all before you drop down to use your Dragon Seal.
Follow the passage past this door avoiding the rolling blade until you arrive at a slide which deposits you in a room with some switches. Only the green switches matter and all three need to be flipped to open the door before the spiked ceiling impales you. Continue on across the platforms until you reach the ledge above the pool with the fish. Kill them from up here before you dive in.
Flip the underwater switch to raise the water level then head to the surface and enter the tunnel which was previously out or reach. Leave the lever on the left alone and continue down the right passage. You can take the medkit if you want, but unless you are an expert at swimming you will ... Далее >>