and receive 750 gold, magic black pants, magic black shirt, and Caius' Ring. Caius is giving you all of this stuff because he has been recalled to the Imperial City. He is leaving you in charge, and with full access to his house. He will give you one more set of instructions before he leaves.
3.9 Lost Prophecies -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now that you no longer have corprus, you need to finis finding the Lost Prophecies. Caius tells you to go and talk with Mehra Miro back in Vivec City. She is being watched, so you might have to find her private quarters. She will leave you a message under the codeword "Amaya". Once you have the prophecies, take them back to Nibani Maesa. From that point on you will be following Nibani's direction in fulfilling the prophecy.
Take the Silt Strider back to Vivec, then go to the Hall of Wisdom. Go midway down the hall, then take a few steps south and go down the hall to the right. Make a U-turn and go up the stairs, turn right, and Mehra's door is the last door on the right. Pick the 20th level lock on the door and enter. The note is on the dresser. The note tells you that she went to see the Inquisitor in the Ministry of Truth. Meet her there and bring a couple of Divine Intervention Scrolls. (if you don't have 2, you can get them from Janad Maulinie at the Mage Guild in the northwest corner of the very top of the Foreign Quarter). Before you go to the Ministry of Truth, grab the levitation potions on the dresser.
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