quests and misc. quests found throughout the game.
If you like this FAQ, or have something to add you can send me a note to my email address found down below in the contact information section. I you contribute to this FAQ, I will give you due credit in this section in later revisions.
This FAQ is meant to be freely distributed, all I ask is that you send me an email request to repost my FAQ. (This will also allow me to log your email address, so I can send you the most updated versions of The FAQ)
I would like to thank and give credit to the following people: Credit for the component list of the Alchemy section goes to Tito13KFM and Randomer for giving Tito13KFM the inspiration to create the list in the first place.
Credit for the reader submitted potion recipes goes to Eevle.
Credit to Cilobaid from the Gamefaqs Morrowind message board for the master trainer locations.
Credit to furball and JMooney for letting me know how to get Elone to admit she trains.
Credit to Jumping Jack for the last two Seyda Neen notes.
Thanks go to BETHESDA for making such a great game. GameFaqs.com and all the people who post on the Morrowind message board for giving me the inspiration to write this FAQ, and my girlfriend for letting me spend so much time playing this game. ... Далее >>