Master Neloth - Once in Sadrith Mora docks, walk east and you will come to the Tel Naga Tower, levitate to the top and enter the "upper tower" door. Neltoh is straight ahead. Raise your rep with whim to ~70 and ask him to vote for you as "Telvanni Hortator", he will give you his vote. Leave the tower, and go back to the docks. Take a boat to Tel Branora.
Mistress Therana - After your boat ride to the Tel Branora docks head east to the tower. Walk up the spiral walkway and go through the door into the "upper tower". Go down the stairs and through the hall on your left, enter the door on your right into Therama's chamber. Levitate up the chute, go down the hall into the room on your left. Hopefully you have a speechcraft of 30, if not find a way to boost it and speak with Therama. Amuse her, then ask for her vote to be "Telvanni Hortator" and she will agree. You can also kill her if you don't have the necessary speeechcraft skill. Leave Tel Branora tower and go back to the docks and travel back to Vivec Foreign Quarter. Walk to the Silt Strider and take it to Balmora, then Ald-Ruhn, then Gnisis.
Master Baladas - When you get to Gnisis walk to Arvs-Drelen, just northwest of the Gnisis Temple. Enter Arvs- Drelen and go straight through the wooden door, turn left and follow the hall, turn left again and the hall will start to go up. Untrap and unlock the door (50th lvl.) and enter. Go to the back of the room and up the stairs, Baladas is in the room. Speak with him and get your Rep with him up, then ask for his vote to be "Telvanni Hortator", and he will give you his vote. Exit Arvs-Drelen and return to Tel Vos.
Now that we have all of the votes to be named Telvanni Hortator we ... Далее >>