Odrosal. Enter the Academy, walk straight ahead through the door, and Dagoth Ordos is inside. Kill him and loot his body for the Amulet of Heartfire, and Ordos Key. Leave the room and go down the hall to the left. Unlock the door with Ordos' Key and enter the room. Go up the ladder on the left wall to find the Keening. Exit the Training Hall.
3.24 Fifth Vampire and The Sunder -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next Vampire is Dagoth Vemyn located in Vemynal, which is northeast of Dagoth Ur's Citadel. Enter the outer Fortress and turn right, follow the hall around and turn down the first hallway on your right. Continue straight ahead and into the Hall of Torque. Turn right and follow the hall and turn into the first door on the right. Follow the stairs down and go through two sets of doors. Dagoth Vemyn is in this room, kill him and loot his body for The Sunder and the Amulet of Heartheal. Exit the Dungeon.
3.25 Sixth Vampire -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Killing this Vampire is optional, but it will make fighting Dagoth Ur much easier.
The sixth vampire, Dagoth Araynys, is not in the Red Mountains, he is located near Berandas, which is southeast of Gnisis. You can get there by ... Далее >>