Medium Armored Defense: Cinia Urtius, on the deck of the boat at the Tel Fyre dock
Mercantile: Ababael Timsar-Dadisun in a yurt in the Zainab Ashlander Camp
Mysticism: Adrarume, in the west wing of the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora
Restoration: Yakin Bael, at the Vos chapel
Security: Heccerinde, at his house in Balmora
Short Blade: Todwendy, at the Lucky Lockup Cornerclub in Balmora
Sneak: Wadarkhu, at the Druegh-jigger's Rest in Gnaar Mok
Spear: Mertis Falandas, on the lower level of the Tower of Dusk at Ghostgate.
Speechcraft: Skink-in-Tree's-Shade, at the Mages Guild in Wolverine Hall at Sadrith Mora
Unarmored: Khargol gro-Boguk, in the Vacant Tower in Dragon Fel. ... Далее >>