Section 4 : Seyda Neen Quests and Notes 4.1 : Fargoth's Ring 4.2 : Fargoth's Hiding Place 4.3 : The Dead Taxman 4.4 : Seyda Neen Trainers 4.5 : Seyda Neen Notes Section 5 : Alchemy 5.1 : Alchemy Equipment 5.2 : Component List 5.3 : Cure Potion Recipes 5.4 : Restore Recipes 5.5 : Fortify Recipes 5.6 : Resist Recipes 5.7 : Shield Recipes 5.8 : Misc. Helpful Recipes 5.9 : Drain Recipes 5.10: Misc. Harmful Recipes 5.11: Reader Submitted recipes Section 6 : Books to learn from Section 7 : Master Trainer Locations Section 8 : Contact Info.
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Welcome and thank you for reading my second FAQ: Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind "The Walkthrough and FAQ". This is not a complete Walkthrough for every quest and side quest in the game (at least not yet), but at the moment just the main quest needed to finish the game. Later on I will add lists for guild ... Далее >>