Faralenu Henim in the Abbey of St. Delyn the wise, off St. Delyn Plaza in Vivec
Conjuration: Methal Sean, on the lowest level of the Ald-Ruhn Temple.
Destruction: Leles Birian, east of Piernette's Farmhouse (located east of Pelagiad)
Enchant: Qorwynn, near the exit from the stronghold Indoranyon
Hand-to-Hand: Taren Omothan, in the soutwestern bedroom on the lowest level of the Holamayan monastery
Heavy Armor: Seanwen, at Arena Fighters training in Vivec
Illusion: Erer Darothril, at Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub in Sadrith Mora
Light Armor: Aerin, in the Andus Tradehouse in Maar Gan
Long Blade: Ulms Drathan, at the Armigers Stronghold in Molag Mar
Marksman: Missun Akin, in Missun Akin's Hut atop the stronghold Falasmaryon. ... Далее >>