**Comeback Kid** --Lightning Shield, Fortify Mana, Restore Health, Restore, Fatigue-- Use Corkbulb Root, Crab Meat, Saltrice, and Stoneflower Petals. This potion will put you back in fighting shape in a hurry, and protects you from further injury with a lightning shield.
Submitted by Eevle
**Iron Man** --Fortify Health, Fortify Strength-- Use Ash Yam, Dreugh Wax, Shalk Resin, and a Large Kwama Egg. This potion will make you stronger and tougher, perfect for tough brawls.
Submitted by Eevle
**Lead Wall** --Absorb, Reflect, Restore Mana, Paralyze-- Use Void Salts, Comberry, Fire Petal, and Hound Meat. Intended for magic duels, this potion protects you with both absorb and reflect, and also recharges your own magicka. Be sure to use an alembic when preparing this potion though, as it does have the unfortunate side effect of briefly paralyzing the user.
Submitted by Eevle
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