--Fortify Agility, Fire Shield, Lightning Shield-- Use Sload Soap, Fire Salts, Crab Meat, and Corkbulb Root. This potion makes you harder to hit three different ways, and offers resistance to fire and lightning as well. (Note that it is possible to replace the lightning shield with a frost shield, by substituting the corkbulb root and crab meat with willow anther and a large kwama egg).
Submitted by Eevle
**Eevle's Elixer** --Fortify Health, Restore Health, Restore Fatigue, Fortify Magicka-- Use Emerald, Shalk Resin, Saltrice, and a Large Kwama Egg. By combining the effects of fortify health and restore health, your health will rise rapidly enough to survive most close calls. This potion also restores fatigue and provides a magicka boost.
Submitted by Eevle
**Torpedo Juice** --Swift Swim, Water Breathing, Restore Fatigue-- Use Scales, Scrib Jerky, Luminous Russula, and Hackle-Lo Leaf. This potion will speed you through the water.
Submitted by Eevle
**Jacques Cousteau** --Light, Water Breathing-- ... Далее >>