Go through the door and walk straight, through the wooden door and into the large chamber, take the left walkway down and through the wooden door. Turn north and go through the door, go down to the lower level and continue north to the locked door into Nabith Waterway. Take the left side walkway around until you come to the tube on the left, and go into the tunnel and follow it until you come to the room, go around the room and through the door into Charma's Breath (in this chamber is a Vampire named Dagoth Uthol. You will have to kill him later in the quest, or you can kill him now if you want to. If you decide to kill him, loot his body and take the Belt of Heartfire). Follow the path around until the crossroads, turn right and go through the door marked Bleading Heart. Go forward and turn right at the crossroads, continue forward until you come to the next crossroad and turn right again. The Shadow shield is straight ahead. Grab it and return to Sul-Matuul. (
Ask Sul-Matuul about the third trial again, and he will reply with a riddle. Basically you must gain the moon and star and return it to Nibani. The third trial takes place in the Cavern Incarnate.
Leave the camp and head east along the coast until you come up to the mountains (it is a bit of a hike), when you get to the mountains there will be a path going south, follow that path (if you see two large spikes of rock flanking the path you are on the right path, if not the path is east of you). Follow this path until you come to the Cavern of the Incarnate. Wait until 6 am or 6 pm, then the door will be able to be opened. Walk forward and take the Moon and Star, at this point a movie will play and describe the next two trials. You may speak with all of the failed Nerevarines and receive all of the various items they give you.
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