As soon as you jump onto the scaffolding, use Landscape View to see an
entrance underneath it. Drop down on the beam below and then drop down
again and shimmy to the entrance.
Make your way down the path and jump up from ledge to ledge to the
Golden Water Fountain. Drink from it to trigger the mini-game.
This is the last upgrade so be ready! Acquiring this upgrade determines
the ending for the game!
Roll under the rotating blade and the rotating spikes. Slow down time
and do a well-timed Wall Run to the other end and then do a Wall to
Wall jump to the top. This next part is the trickiest: do a well-timed
Wall Run and then make a leap to the beam before you fall.
Now cross the beam and jump to the next beam and drop down. Jump the
gap to the ledge and roll past the last three sets of spikes to the
shining light to finalize your health bar!
Exit back outside to the beam. Jump to the beam on the right side and
climb up, then jump to the scaffolding. Now jump to the top balcony to
another doorway.
In this next area, slow down time and do a well-timed Wall Run past the
spikes and then shutter jump to the stab square. Do another well-timed
Wall Run and then shutter jump twice to the next stab square.
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