In this area are two Rotation Handles. Access the closest one and press
the Analog Stick DOWN. CUTSCENE.
After the cutscene, access the handle the Prince is standing in front
of and press the Analog Stick DOWN. Access the other handle and press
the Analog Stick UP. Go back to the other handle and press the Analog
After the cutscene, access the handle the Prince is standing in front
of and press the Analog Stick DOWN. Now fight off some demon dogs. Once
that's done, climb back to the first Rotation Handle and access it.
Press the Analog Stick UP to finish this puzzle.
Now jump down and drag the large bell towards the wall with the Bronze
Slit. Run up the Bronze slit and stab it to trigger a cutscene. After
the cutscene, stab the Bronze Slit again and enter the door on the
left. Shimmy on the ledges and jump the gap to the square and stab it.
Wall run to the next area.
Run up the wall and stab the square and then jump straight up. Shimmy
and jump from ledge to ledge to the top. Jump to the stab square and
then Wall Run to the next area. Access the Water Fountain at the end of
the hall.
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