the Rotation Handle and turn it clockwise. Now jump back down and grab
the wooden contraption and drag it to the end of the path.
Climb up that thing and then jump to the wall and then jump again to
reach the beam. Cross the beam and make the jump to the Wall Gap and go
up to the very top. Turn around and leap for the beam. Look below to
see two guards. Use Quick Kills on both of them and then access the
Rotation Handle to open the door.
Jump the gap to the ledge and then shimmy above the door and then drop
down and enter. Destroy the lone guard and exit outside. Use a Wall Run
and shutter jump three times to the next balcony. Enter the next area
and use Landscape View. See that chain?
Use a Wall Run and jump to the beam. Jump the beam to the chain and
slide down. Eliminate the enemies that appear and then access the
switch on the wall. Enter the door and watch for the guard.
Use a Quick Kill on the nearest guard but DO NOT move down any further!
There are two guards that you can use a Double Kill on from above. Go
back to the door you entered and run up the adjacent wall and leap to
the ledge.
Shimmy right to the balcony and the Wall Run and shutter jump to the
farthest beam. Jump to the next beam and initiate the Double Kill! Head
into the alley and climb the ladder. Use a continuous wall to wall jump
and then hop over the railing. Jump the gap to the wall and then leap
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