In this courtyard are four guards (two walking around and two
immobile). Jump from palm tree to palm tree (lower yourself on the
first palm tree to jump to the second one). Jump all the way to the
ledge on the wall at the other end and then shimmy all the way to the
right and wait.
GUARD #1: He's under you. Wait for him and then initiate the Quick Kill
from above when prompted.
GUARD #2: He's also walking around. Use a Quick Kill when he gets close
to your area.
GUARDS #3 & 4: When both walking guards are toast, use Quick Kills o
both of them.
Now head for the Bronze Slit on the large pillar (with the statue on
top) and run up and stab it. Climb and jump back on the palm trees to
the pillar you came from and shimmy all the way left. Drop down and
jump to the next beam. Jump up and shimmy all the way left and then
climb up. Jump the gap to the ledge, drop down and stab the square, and
then drop down again. Look for the beam near the ledge and jump to two
more beams. Shimmy right and then jump to the swing pole.
Swing and jump towards the wall, jump from the wall to the upper swing
bar and then jump to the top.
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