the chain to swing farther.
Also new to the series are Stab Squares (as I like to call them). When
the Prince sees these squares on a wall, he can run up to them and then
stab them to hang on. From there, the Prince can either run along the
wall or jump higher. If you feel stuck in an area, look around to see
these squares.
Another new addition, the Prince can now run along curved walls. Later
in the game, the environment will get much trickier and the Prince will
easily get stuck. Look for curved walls and run along them so that the
Prince can get to his objective faster.
These look like those coin insert things found in vending machines
(only big and Bronze). Run up to this Slit and then stab it down to
open a new door or ledge.
Scattered throughout the game are Sand Plates that have a large beam of
light coming out of it. There are usually 3-4 guards surrounding the
plate that you need to eliminate in order to access it.
Accessing the Sand Plates grants the Prince newer powers or more Sand
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