/ /__/ /_/ /| |/ |/ // _/ / , _/ / /__ _/ / / / \ /
/____/\____/ |__/|__//___//_/|_| \___//___/ /_/ /_/
___ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ___ ____
/ _ \ / __ \ / __ \ / __//_ __// __ \ / _ \ / __/
/ , _// /_/ // /_/ // _/ / / / /_/ // ___/_\ \
/_/|_| \____/ \____//_/ /_/ \____//_/ /___/
Across the Water Fountain, move the camera to see an Archer on the
adjacent roof. When he turns around, jump the gap and use a Quick Kill
on him. Now jump down the railing and eliminate the Archer below.
From there, use a Wall Run and shutter jump twice to the next ledge.
Now go the corner and jump the gap to the next building. Run up the
wall and use a Quick Kill on the Archer. Now use Landscape View to see
two Archers across the way patrolling around.
When both Archer are looking away, jump the gap and quickly use Quick
Kills. If they see you, throw them both off the balcony.
Now run up the wall to the upper ledge. Make a LONG jump to the lower
balcony and then use Landscape View.
Use a Wall Run and shutter jump to the chain and slide down. Use the
Quick Kill on the nearby Archer. Once he's down, quickly hide near the
pillar and use landscape View to see the Archer. When he turns around,
use a Quick Kill.
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