________ ______ __ _______ ___________ ___ ____ ___ ___
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I can't help you in this part. My only advice is to watch the road!
After the chariot race, you will enter a boss battle so prepare
These two are impossible to get a combo. No matter what you do, you
CANNOT hurt them! IT'S UNFAIR! But wait, there is a tactic here:
Perform a combo on the Swordsman (he'll block your attacks) and the
camera angle will ALWAYS change to show the Axeman about to strike you
from behind. Quickly roll away and the Axeman's weapon will get stuck
on the pavement! Now strike the vulnerable Axeman like crazy (but watch
out for the Swordsman) to damage him! Do this tactic one more time and
the Quick Kill sequence will initiate for both bosses!
Perform the Quick Kill when prompted to shave off 50% of both of the
bosses health bar! Repeat the tactic again to finish the battle. (You
need TWO Quick Kill sequences to kill both bosses).
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