__ ________ _____
/ |/ / _/ |/ / _ \
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Move forward and jump to the Wall Gap. Slide down carefully past the
two sawblades and drop down. Roll past the spikes and the sawblades to
the end of the corridor to a puzzle.
In this area are three Rotation Handle docks and two ledge pillars with
multiple ledges in two corners.
The point of the puzzle is to raise all three Rotation handle docks to
the top of their locations. It's really simple but also long and
tedious. Here's what to do:
#1: Access the farthest handle from the entrance and raise it UP.
#2: Access the handle nearest the door and raise it UP TWICE.
#3: Access the farthest handle and bring it DOWN.
#4: Access the middle handle and raise it UP.
#5: Access the farthest handle and raise it UP.
#6: Access the middle handle and bring it DOWN.
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