Function: def_particle
Usage: (def_particle '[part_class] [spe])
Returns: dunno
Here's a guess, but I dunno. Defines a particle animation that you
can use for special affects. The [part_class] is the class that you'll
need to pass to (add_panim) to display the effect. The [spe] is
the name of the file that contains the effect.
Function: def_sound
Usage: (def_sound '[sound_class] [file])
Returns: sound_class
Creates a sound resource that you can refer to by [sound_class].
Is used in cooperation with the function (play_sound). [file]
is the path from the abuse directory to the .wav. For example,
(def_sound 'SBALL_SND "sfx/ball01.wav")). (def_sound) returns
the class of the sound, in this case, SBALL_SND.
Function: def_tint
Usage: (def_tint [spe])
Returns: the tint
Dunno. Haven't messed with it yet.
Function: delete_light
Usage: (delete_light [light])
Returns: dunno.
Completely removes a light from the game. [light] is the actual
light object that you want to remove. For example, you could type
(delete_light (get_light 0)) from inside some object with a link
to a light.
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